You are well familiar with the consciousness that pervades our world of suffering.

Consciousness thick with separation. “They don’t look like us” ,“They don’t speak our language” ,“They don’t act like we do” ,“They don’t believe what we do” ,“They don’t dress like we do” and on and on.

Our world of suffering cannot be transformed with this consciousness.

A wider consciousness might realize, “Wow. They see me the same way.” I don’t look like them or speak like them or act like them or believe what they believe and I dress differently.

To transform our world requires reacting to diversity – not with fear and anger and hatred – but with appreciation, love, compassion, and understanding.

A deeper truth that humanity aspires to is to realize our unity, our oneness, our brotherhood. A transformation of human relationship.

We all know how difficult it is to develop and maintain beautiful relationship with even our closest family. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, disappointments arise easily. And even in our family, differences may be challenging. Our ages, our sex, our experiences and more all can create gaps that require expanding our understanding.

Our hearts are challenged to open wider and wider to embrace more and more.

And in our lifetime, it is within this challenge that the fate of humanity now rests.