Where the United Countries of the World declare an end to war, hunger, greed, prejudice and all forms of unnecessary suffering.

Where those who were last will now be first
For the old order is rapidly fading

Our world is our makoce (homeland)

The details of our Project 2026 are laid out here in the next 2,000 pages. We have written it in invisible ink. Only those with developed intuition and imagination have minds illumined enough to read it.

The Project has actually started. Millions upon millions of us are breathing together, in the true meaning of the word, conspiring, creating the infrastructure of this vast and powerful network. It begins to take shape well below the reach of the old order radar. Only those with love in their hearts can see it and it excites them so.

We are in alliance with our space brothers and a cosmic hierarchy of profound wisdom. Their guidance is second to none. They ensure that our Project does not stray from universal law and they guarantee our success.