What appears to be coming at you, is coming from you
This is grandson #1. Milo. Son of Tao Weilundemo and Persephone Dakopolis.
Content Milo and Tao.Milo goofing with some shades.The whole family. Persephone. Tao. Milo. The all electric Nissan Leaf in the background.Enjoying the big tires at a Columbia, Missouri park.Taking a stroll up 9th Street in Columbia.
I love these guys.
Persephone as a guest on a talk show at listener-sponsored KOPN community radio in Columbia. Persephone is a Missouri delegate to the national Democratic committee and speaks articulately about the progressive vision.This is a piece of furniture I built for KOPN radio in the late 1970’s. It has been used for over 40 years now to sort mail and messages to staff and volunteers.Just a small part of the extensive music collection at KOPN radio with Tao and Milo seeing it from the top. I worked as a volunteer for KOPN for over 10 years. I did a Sunday morning program called ‘One Truth, Many Paths’ presenting the listeners with a wide diversity of spiritual teachings. While the programs were running, I would train new people how to do radio and get their third-class license. I estimate I trained over 500 people – young and old.Persephone and Milo with the guys who hosted the program at KOPN that Persephone was a guest on.The meditation and relaxation room at Tao’s workplace in Columbia.