Returning for two months to beautiful Boquete in the mountains. The tallest mountain in Panama is right above us, Vulcan Baru 11,398 ft. No, we haven’t climbed it (yet).

We have been to Boquete three times now and there is always something new. Here is a street that is now covered in flowers.

Other things are slow to change. The streets don’t really have names and the houses don’t have numbers. So we tell people we live on the street with the orange rock.

Charlotte made a nice video of the wonderful place we keep coming back to here.

A mirror window on the 3 mile walk into Bajo Boquete.

Another newish addition to Boquete is the beautiful park along the river.

Now for some serenity. Take a full minute and just watch the river flow.

Every Sunday morning we join the the Basura Busters team and clean up the trash on the streets of Boquete making it one of the cleaner towns in Panama. We got hats now!!

WhatsApp allows us to keep in touch with friends all over the world. Here we are on a video call with our friends Tim and Tu in Vietnam.

We met some wonderful new friends after we shared a table at the Boquete Sandwich Shop. Meet David and Gina Brown. They are living just down the street from us and we walk by their house nearly every day. We were so happy to learn that their uncle is Cecil Brown. A classmate of Charlotte’s from Meridian High School and one of our favorite Mississippi politicians as he saved Mississippi ratepayers billions of dollars while on the Public Service Commission and kept a utility company from charging customers for their ‘carbon capture’ coal plant boondoggle in Kemper County.

A special treat for my 75th birthday. I got to go golfing at a wonderful course surrounded by so much beautiful nature, Lucero Golf & Country Club near Boquete.

Not as flexible as I was in my teens, and not able to quite golf my age – but getting closer.

I did have a ‘near’ thrill when my tee shot on a par three came very close to finding the hole.

We stayed in Boquete for two months this time. We have a residency visa so we really can stay as long as we like. We do have to stay here at least one day every two years to keep our residency visa. We love these places, like Boquete that are called ‘Cities of Eternal Spring’. And with just a short one hour flight we can get to another of these cities of eternal spring, Medellin, Colombia. And that is where we headed next.