What appears to be coming at you, is coming from you
Panama – Caribbean
When province travel restrictions finally eased up in September, we took a road trip with Jacob and Juan Carlos to the Caribbean side of Panama to look at a property in a small village there. We passed a deep bay that Columbus and other early Europeans used as a port to Panama on the Caribbean.A deep bay that Columbus and other early Europeans used as a port to Panama on the Caribbean.As we drove through Portobello we caught a glimpse of some of the 500 year old buildings in this early port town.This is the property Jacob and Juan Carlos were considering purchasing when we first arrived.Later in our trip we came across this property with a lot of great features right on the beach. Jacob and Juan Carlos are now in the process of purchasing this.Jacob and Juan Carlos imagining the possibilities of this beachfront property.Juan Carlos and Jacob have found a really sweet spot. Warm clear water. Protected from waves by the coral reef. Awesome.We didn’t bring our swim suits. Wish we had.This is the local church in the town square. Very small town – maybe 1,000 people.Near the town square, this sign says, “We do not own nature.”We’ve seen a lot of these cans. Roughly equivalent to Bud Light. Not nearly as good as water.