What appears to be coming at you, is coming from you
Spain 2021
This is where we stay when in Spain!The apartment we usually stay in is on the top floor at the far right.A very artsy house in our neighborhood. Never learned the story, but it’s quite a beauty.This is the way our area looked in 1960. Our apartment building would be at the left end of this picture. The only thing still present is that tower on the far right. It is 700 years old and still there.We have one of the friendliest LGBT communities in Europe. Large gay festivals are often held here.Where some communities have statues of religious icons or war ‘hero’s’, Torremolinos celebrates people enjoying life.Charlotte getting her toes wet. A bit too cold for her to get submerged.Here I am enjoying the salt water of the Mediterranean Sea. Easy to pop your feet up our of the water.This is a larger than usual churro. It’s like fry bread. People usually eat it with a hot drink and sugar.After finishing my chocolate caliente in Malaga, I found this clever marketing message at the bottom of my cup.This fellow owns a health food store in Los Boliches, just a few miles south of us. He has two successful stores, but is just starting a new venture which is an almond grove up in the hills.This is a very undernourished horse that Charlotte is feeding carrots to. We helped organize getting a rescue group to help this guy out.A large black dog jumped out from behind a bush and took a bite out of my arm. Someone nearby cleaned the wound and sprayed silver on it to protect it.Another area where we took on the cleanup of a trashed out area.This is the area around the recycling dumpsters after we cleaned it up.About ten of us met at Plaza Victoria in Malaga and took a walking tour of Malaga that included a very thorough presentation of climate issues all with a local bend.Here is our climate group looking over the poorer part of Malaga that is most vulnerable to landslides and flooding – all at greater risk due to Climate Change.