It’s Not A New Normal. It’s Abnormal.

It’s no longer Life-After-Life.

It’s now something unknown that comes after Life-After-Life.

The Chinese character for Crisis is composed of two Chinese characters signifying “danger” and “opportunity” respectively.

The danger part is pretty obvious. So what is the opportunity?

I’m thinking (on a macro level) the opportunity is to save humanity from near certain extinction.

Personally, the opportunity is going to have a unique look for every single person.

Don’t look for someone else to tell you your opportunity. It’s an opportunity to create a new self. A new version of yourself.

Let’s start with this question. Can you imagine yourself as a better self – as a super version of yourself?

If not, maybe this is a good time to give it some thought.

Ok. On to those of you who have given this some thought – maybe some of you have been thinking about this for a long time.

Then the question is this: How to make such a transformation?

You might have already found that there are a lot of efforts that don’t give the desired results.

It’s important to realize that our conscious efforts are about 5% of what goes on in our brain. If our conscious efforts run against the 95% of the brain that is unconscious, then the conscious efforts don’t stand much of a chance.

Our environment is reinforcing our old habits in thousands of ways that we don’t even see. It seems hopeless but it is not. It can’t be.

I’ve been listening to a series on Gaia – a Netflix like offering – called Rewired, narrated by Dr. Joe Dispenza. I first came in contact with Dr. Dispenza through the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

I carefully read his book, “Evolve Your Brain”.

For my part, I’m going to forget who I know you to be. I’m going to imagine each of you shedding an old skin or going into a chrysalis and the old you turning to soup that feeds the formation of a totally new you. A new you that is finding your place in the opportunity to save humanity from extinction.

It’s a long shot. But it’s the only shot we have.